daily specials:
drew's tasting menu:
appetizer: unflaming, whiskey-soaked inari
soup: whipped rice congee
entree: seared duck breast (from a young, but fed-up bird)
dessert: fresh asian fruit salad with bitter melon-lemon dressing

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

So it does quite look like Lostin's theory about the extinction of the Asian American male is not that far off the mark. I was at Woo Ri Jip today for a lunch, one of those premade fast food Korean places which while cheap is not terribly good, but this is what you get for impersonal service. Still, there was a rather chubby Asian guy next to me with a much more attractive and lithe Asian girl, and they were having a conversation which went pretty much like:

Chub: {Evasive denial that repetitive tasks at work are worthwhile of dignity}
Chick: {Half-hearted agreement}
Chub: {Enthusiastic acknowledgement of half-hearted agreement}
Chick: {Vaguely relevant mutterings about own work}
Chub: {Pointed inquiries, interrupting}
Chick: {Satisfaction at "fineness" of diversity of projects assigned at work.}
Chub: {Compliments}
Chick: {Questions about "everything else"}
Chub: {Assertions of "fineness"}
Chick: {Acknowledgment of fineness}
Chub: {Thanks for acknowledgment of fineness, trailing off}
Chick: {Awkward pause}
Chick: {Statement of need to return to the office, else there be trouble}
Chub: {Gallant questioning about nature of trouble}
Chick: {Downplaying of trouble, acknowledgment of need to stay on good side}
Chub: {Clumsy busing of Chick's tray}

From what I've seen, the best strategies to undertake on a crypto-date situation such as this one would be to tell charming, disarming but vaguely self-deprecatory anecdotes about one's adventures. This tack is the charming-amusing tack, and will at least assure that your companion will enjoy herself. Certainly one or two of these stories would complement any of the other strategies, all of which involve some form of personal storytelling. For that is how the female sense of humor differs from the male--the female sense of humor is more concerned with stories and situations than male wit, puns, and so on. But I suppose I should polish a bit more before unveiling all the other date-strats I've found. But another tip: to be an attentive listener, you need not interject or intersperse "yeah"s or "right"s in the middle of every last utterance.