So I got both my differentials in the mail, which means that my next paycheck will be enormous--I will have roughly 8 months backpay, though none of it will actually go where it ought, namely my Roth IRA, or better yet some tax-deferred business.
I was scolded today, and I have found the activities in which I work with my fellow math teachers extremely frustrating--it is shocking to see the wide variation in the quality, and I suppose I am more harsh on them because of the high reputations assigned to our school--their mediocrity is more acceptable at a school which does not trumpet excellence. I am rather skeptical of the rest, I'm afraid, and yes, she was right, I should listen more, but she in her aged experience exempted herself from that requirement, somehow--there is a lot of resistance, and I feel as if some people only respond to hierarchy, which is why my old math coach was so much more effective, I think....
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