daily specials:
drew's tasting menu:
appetizer: unflaming, whiskey-soaked inari
soup: whipped rice congee
entree: seared duck breast (from a young, but fed-up bird)
dessert: fresh asian fruit salad with bitter melon-lemon dressing

Monday, June 07, 2004

So I missed blogging last night as I had to rush to get to Joephet's a decent hour so that he could get his surplus-beauty sleep, but last night involved finishing off a lot of long-postponed work, including that pesky math coach application, where I managed to invent three years of teaching experience for myself, just like that. Hrmm... I also talked to my ba for quite some time, which was enjoyable even though I had Alric's financial acumen to negotiate differences between notes and stocks and such. Basically, the deal offered is a scam, and we know it... Still, it turns out that I have the greenlight to launch an exploratory committee into house purchases in the Metro-New York area. It was nice also to bring some human contact into his life, as these days he's all alone now that my mom's back in Taiwan, though my grandparents are still lurking and praying while walking backwards in the middle of the night, I bet. At least, I hope they are. My gramma is as old as Reagan... Which is still a good sight younger than Deng Xiaoping. So yeah.. Asian male bonding...

Beyond that, I have little to report, though I must admit that I had to chuckle today when my students were talking about their restaurant-pranking, including ordering a Whopper at McDonalds, but more amusingly going into "chinese stores", ordering "One order of Chinese food, please!" and walking out, smoothly.