daily specials:
drew's tasting menu:
appetizer: unflaming, whiskey-soaked inari
soup: whipped rice congee
entree: seared duck breast (from a young, but fed-up bird)
dessert: fresh asian fruit salad with bitter melon-lemon dressing

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

So it looks like I'm going to make it to another week.

This morning, a bird (I dont' know what kind, it was just black...) flew into my classroom, somehow, through a narrow opening in the grate. My windows have grates to keep the kids from getting out. They are a metaphor. The bird was flitting, and I was afraid of shitting, desperately, unsuccessfully trying to get out. A custodial engineer was summoned, and he let the bird out at last, though the grate fell four stories but didn't hit anyone.

I know why the trapped bird sings. Well, on weekdays at least.

So I was also upbraided today by two longtime classmates for my intimidating manner in classes, openly disapproving when I disagree with something being said, usually mathematically. Umm.. I guess they're right. I"ve pissed off Eric Wepsic this way. Then again, Wepsic is a self-rationalizing capitalist bastard. So I should be nicer in general. Still, no feelings were hurt, as we engaged in loud Marxist readings of children's cartoons on the 2 train in flatbush. I have so far done readings of: He-Man (imperialism), Thundercats (Zionism), Planeteers (Post-Cold War multilateralism), and more that I'm blanking on now, but I'm sure Alric can remind you of (Jungle Book, Star Trek, etc, etc.)

CUNY GC library is full of Asians, I noticed last night. Many of them are cute, not the chubby sweaty type. BUt they are studious, which means they are straight, or lame. Sigh.

Today was manageable. NOthing to report, beyond more happiness and more frustration, depending, with the staff. Sigh. I am working with numbskulls and saints. My most troublesome student ends up in too many disputes with the new kid on the block, who is reputedly cute, but I don't think so. He's just fresh meat, I guess. Not even that built. (Jesus..)

Hrmm... Beyond that, I dunno... just hafta get through this week. No firm plans for the weekend yet, which is fine.. Should just spend it at home, though some more fun with Fegsling is tempting. And in a couple weeks, though, it's a long weekend: Jersey-brother, or Boston-buddies? Hrm...