daily specials:
drew's tasting menu:
appetizer: unflaming, whiskey-soaked inari
soup: whipped rice congee
entree: seared duck breast (from a young, but fed-up bird)
dessert: fresh asian fruit salad with bitter melon-lemon dressing

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

So I have the day off which is why I am blogging this late from Joephet's, and he is feverish, and I feel helpless and useless. Sometimes all you can do is hold someone and speak mutterily. Sigh.

Today was a shit day, though it didn't touch me, deep down inside. Supes peeps came to check out my classroom, and it was rather dumb and pointless, though they did prove that you can walk even the most recalcitrant of students through a problem by the nose leaving no written evidence or lasting understanding if you are Socrates-in-the-Meno enough about it all, and if you also somehow surround said recalcitrant ghetto-fabulous student (I wish I were exaggerating or being racist on this count--it would make my life easier if it were a misrepresentation) with five adults, four of them admins, and then me the lowly teacher, who is himself instructed to "learn" from this Potemkin bumpkinage from on high, as from a horsefucking Catherine. It's ludicrous. The shit we're expected to deal with. Sigh.

Beyond that, I did an interview today with one of my leftist vegan students, about the algebra and the math that I have been researching for my ed class. It was satsifying, though the transcription, while bringing back memories of two February/Marches past was not exactly worth the two and a half hours or more I spent on it. Still, it is good meat, and I wonder why I dont' do this for a living, or expand upon my philosophy directions. I am liking this iBook, I must admit. Ah, well. I ended up explaining,or trying to, about use-mention, while of course lazily ignoring that sort of thing in my actual transcript.

And then I lingered at school until six. Nice to have such coworkers, even if they complain a lot. "Bitch" is, after all, sadly a gendered verb. But I don't know if I would actually know what it's like to have male coworkers in an academic discipline in quite the same way. Ah, D.

Sigh. Joephet. Poor flaming pillow, now on the verge of self-combustion. I am worried. But at least there are emergency measures.