daily specials:
drew's tasting menu:
appetizer: unflaming, whiskey-soaked inari
soup: whipped rice congee
entree: seared duck breast (from a young, but fed-up bird)
dessert: fresh asian fruit salad with bitter melon-lemon dressing

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

So I met Thai today and we chatted rather extensively about bric-a-brac, or so it might have seemed, and it's hard to pinpoint the youth, the set of values and naivetes I once held, the hesitations and the anticipations, which of course I say with a laptop precariously perched on my lap as I cozy up under a duvet with Joephet who's reading X-Men Vol. 1 raptly, possibly later making me a sandwich and bag lunch like he did today, which is wonderful, ridiculous-wonderful, a bigger milestone than the home-base I vulgarly outlined for Thai today. But it's nice to be reminded of the almost-organic stages of development in the natural history of the gaysian, not that I'm some highly evolved form--perhaps my bitterness is merely refined, or maybe reduced to glace du viand, or some other such foreign expression, as I had to exercise mi espanol hoy, porque hay padres quienes solamente hablan espanol... Ugh. I'm an embarassment in that way. So I don't want to embarass or identify Thai any further, but it's nice to see the parallel histories, though of course parallel lines end not at all or in different points.

So eventually I end up with Joephet and Lelaina at the usual Thai restaurant, rather expensive though it may be, and later on a quest for ripe bananas and dumplings, managing to at last buy my first copy of Men's Health. Ugh. What am I turning into? But it is time for a new exercise regimen yet again. This must be a good time to start...

One more tomorrow, and then I'm free, though it's not clear what I'm free to do. I do look forward to Kean's visit, and seeing more of Kenneth and his comically gay friend, chilling more with Thai and cuddling with Joephet. Amazing to think that a year ago I only had one gaysian in my life, though he didn't know it then, and doesn't even acknowledge it now...