So seeing's how I'm being observed tomorrow, I'm halfheartedly now wiping off the good china. Today was a little rough toward the end, as our students were confronted with their widespread failure. That's always just rough.
I find Asian crowing over representation dumb. The Indian version, for instance. It's not as if we're suddenly dateable.
I get the evening off tomorrow, which will be blissful. I am much looking forward to January already, even if I have no idea what I should be registering for for the spring.
I have been tearing through old comics like there's no tomorrow. I need to get some more, organize what I have, and just clean up this apartment generally. The last main thing I have to worry about, though, is just this observation--and then it should be relatively smooth sailing on until Thanksgiving. It's just that I'm tired, just not physically. One can only take so much abuse.
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