So I been lazing at home for a couple hours before heading out to the city again to hang out with coworkers for a bday dinner and all that, obsessed on this end by this PS2--it's an unhealthy, childlike thing with no real point, and only negative consequences. It won't help me lose the four or so pounds I appear to have put on recently. And there are still logistical cash problems from my loss of wallet last week. Still, it'll be nice to hang out a little with the girls, as it has been months by now, without even trying.
Umm.. I got grades back from college, and I'm relieved by them, is all--amazing that I'm still good at this coasting business. It's not easy, juggling all this, and next semester will actually be even worse--I will be taking 14 credits, which is pretty close to pushing full-time. Here's to a math class that has very little homework, so I can do the old skip-and-coast routine. Ah, well. Off we go.
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