So I am home, and tired. I don't know what it is--the long-ass day and the commute, or the unaccustomed hunger, or what, but I'm feeling a little queasy, I'm at home, and I feel like a nice long sleep, so I wont' say much more, except that I'm successful in getting that overage I wanted. My library trip paid off my fines and netted me some le Carre and some Sanguo, the latter of which has been thoroughly satisfying so far. I've sadly, however, continued my habit of utter unproductiveness after class--I'm just too spent to do anything beyond some light Capcom vs. SNK 2, and now some bed--tomorrow is the sort of day you soon forget, as it's a second-day, and second-days somehow lack the wonder of firsts, the settledness of thirds, or the drabnesses of fourths.
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